Gokano - Get Gadgets/Money/Gift cards for FREE World Wide UnLocKeD! - KumaR UnLocK!


Unlocking made 'EASY'

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Gokano - Get Gadgets/Money/Gift cards for FREE World Wide UnLocKeD!

Hey guys till today you might have looted money and recharges till now.But today we will be talking about a site where we can order gadgets,Paypal money, Amazon gift cards and a lot more for free. and the site is Gokano

This is an exclusive website where you can exchange your points earned for the gadgets like pen drives,iPhone, power bank, head phones, ear phones, Mac book air and a lot more. Earning the points is very very easy and you will have to spend less than a minute daily to earn points. We will be showing you how to earn points everyday.

The site is located somewhere in Poland and you will receive your prizes from Poland via Normal Post. They ship worldwide and so you can use this site from any where on Earth.

Follow the below steps to start earning points for your Prizes:

  • Click here and register for a new account.
  • Open the link on a desktop as Captcha verification is not working in Mobile site.
  • Enter your details like Your Name,Password,Email,Mobile number,Date of Birth,Gender,T-Shirt size,Zip code, Country and at last enter the Captcha.

  • At last click on Register new account.
  • Now go to your email ad complete the verification process to activate your account.
  • That's now you have created your account in Gokano successfully.

Earning Points:

There are 6 ways to earn points and out of them in 1 way you can earn unlimited number of points.

  1. Daily Point- You can click on Collect Daily Points to claim your Daily Points. You will get 1 point everyday.
  2. Missions - Click on Complete Missions on the Left side. You will have to click on Daily missions and answer the given question to get your daily points. You will get 1 point daily.
  3. Fast Missions - These missions have to be completed within a limited time of 2-10 Minutes. You will have to stick to facebook or should install the app to get timely notifications from Gokano. You will get 2 points per fast mission. Everyday 2-4 Fast Missions appear a day.
  4. Extra Missions - These missions won't appear every day and are very rare. You may get 2-4 points from here.
  5. Social Missions - Here you will get points upon liking the social pages they give. And these are also rare. You can earn 2 Points per mission.
  6. Referrals - By referring your friends you can earn 1 point per referral. And when you complete 30 referrals you will receive a Gold T-shirt from Gokano as a token of appreciation.( Gold T-shirt campaign has been discontinued right now, and you will only be offered GN's for a successful referral)

Ordering Prizes:

There are 2 ways to order your Prizes.
  1. Fast Restock - These restocks are a total surprise and may appear any day. And only certain prizes will be present in fast restocks. Fastest one to order the prize will get the prizes. You can check their facebook page to see what prize was kept in stock.
  2. Main Restock - This restock will be done every month and Gokano will notify the dates but the time will not be revealed. Time of restock will be a surprise. In this restock all prizes will be available.
  • You will have to click on the prize you want to buy, fill the order form as fast as possible, enter the Captcha and click Order Now to order your prize.

Identifying the Available prizes:

  • We can identify if the prize is in stock or not in a simple way.
  • You won't have to open the prize to see if it is in stock or not.
  • Simply check the bar below the prize. If it is GREEN in colour the prize is in Stock. If it is GREY in colour then it is Out of Stock. Check the image below to get an idea.

Here is the list of all the prizes for the upcoming restock.





For the timely updates about the restock timings and other notifications please like their Facebook page from here.


Now you can get restock/fast restock/mission alerts on your mobile. Download the app from here 

Click on TURN ON to get notifications.

  Gokano Notifications- screenshot thumbnail


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